Traditional Chinese Medicine
Joshua Noble is a registered Acupuncturist (RAc, RTCMP) and a licensed Osteopathic Manual Practitioner (OMP). He works out of his office built into his home in Oakville, Ontario. The diagnostic process of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Osteopathic palpation guide his medical practice in addition to his passion for helping others and wanting to see people improve their health and lives.
As a result, Joshua Noble has found both time and cost efficient solutions to many health difficulties through his proficiency in:
Additionally, Joshua Noble holds diplomas in:
Joshua has been a practising acupuncturist since 2011 and has in fact been involved in the health and fitness field for significantly longer. As a result of being a certified personal trainer prior, Josh developed a deeper appreciation of movement and human performance. From there, his interest in pathology and dysfunction emerged as well as the enduring mantra: “fitness is based on the foundation of health”. Often enough, “health enthusiasts” pursue performance while neglecting the foundation that actually supports their health leading to looking healthy on the outside but being in fact ill on the inside.
Furthermore, Joshua is a life learner. He enjoys regularly studying anatomy, physiology as well as treatment strategies in hopes of creating more comprehensive treatments. He is also dedicated to pursuing ongoing studies in the fields of osteopathy and visceral manipulation.
Joshua Noble indeed lives as he teaches believing in the principles of a holistic lifestyle.
Book a consultation with Josh Noble to determine what is the best treatment for YOU. You don’t need to know which treatment you need; just a list of your problems and goals.
There is always more to learn. Additionally, all of us sometimes need a bit of help.
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