Traditional Chinese Medicine
QiGong (pronounced Chee-gong) as a treatment is one of the 4 main modalities in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is a type of energy work using the wei qi fields (aura), dantians and chakras, as well as the meridian system used in both Acupuncture and Tuina treatments.
Of the 4 main modalities, people consider the QiGong treatment the oldest form of Traditional Chinese Medicine, predating the NeiJing (3000 BCE). As a result, it profoundly impacts the other modalities and carries the name of the foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Using its unique set of diagnostic and treatment tools, QiGong can detect subtle changes in the body as well as in the emotional field. These changes can then alter the function of the body and its organs. How we feel emotionally can indeed affect how we feel physically and how our body’s systems operate.
Therefore, QiGong is suitable for:
It is a non-invasive approach to dysfunctions that may otherwise require surgery to reach.
In a narrow practical view with regard to human physiology, Qi is the life force allowing movement and function to occur. In the context of organs, it can be the bioenergy allowing motility and mobility. Therefore, it allows the heart to beat and pump blood. It allows the lungs to expand and take in oxygen. It also allows our digestive systems to break down food and transport it to the tissues. Within this view, energy balance within the body is paramount when pursuing health.
Since Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic paradigm, its modalities are stronger when used in unison with each other. Therefore, the QiGOng treatment efficacy increases alongside Acupuncture, exercise, Tuina massage and Medicated Diet.
QiGong can also be prescribed as take home exercises, in which patients will learn movements coordinated with their breath. Such exercises are auxillary but still necessary for optimal results. The movements seem similar in form to TaiJi Chuan and teache awareness about energy circulation to the patient while they learn to balance their energy themselves.
QiGong treatments can come in two forms. The first involves the practitioner performing in a manner similar to ReiKi. It is a form of energetic treatment generally involving gentle contact or even no contact. The treatment takes place with the patient fully clothed while the practitioner works with the Wei Qi fields (aura) of the body. While doing so, a practitioner will recommend to patients to relax and breathe normally.
The body’s energy (Qi) is encouraged to flow naturally and evenly throughout its course of the body, while the internal organs are encouraged to move in harmony with one another. The belief is if the Qi is strong and harmonious in the body, then disease can not take hold.
Book a consultation with Noble Mind & Body to determine if this is the best treatment for YOU. You don’t need to know which treatment you need; just a list of your problems and goals.
Alternatively, Exercise Prescription is an option and may be just what you’re looking for to improve your health.